
Al Salam Bank-Seychelles Limited (“ASBS” or the “Bank”) is an Islamic Bank headquartered in Seychelles and licensed and regulated by the Central Bank of Seychelles. ASBS is a subsidiary of Al Salam Bank-Bahrain (“ASBB”), one of the pioneering Shari’a-compliant Banks ​based and regulated in the Kingdom of Bahrain. 

ASBS is jointly owned by ASBB and Seychelles Pension Fund, with an ownership rate of 70% and 30% respectively.

ASBS offers its customers a comprehensive range of world class innovative and unique Shari’a-compliant financial products and services. ASBS aims to utilize its strong foundations to introduce innovative and leading technologies to the Seychelles’ banking sector.

Using Seychelles as the launching pad to other regional markets, ASBS will aim to expand by penetrating the banking sector of neighboring countries and create a bridge between the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and the Indian Ocean Rim countries.

ASBS is committed to its corporate social responsibility by not only aiming to provide the best banking experience, but by also investing in the local community. ASBS underscores this commitment by supporting initiatives that contribute to the social well-being of the society as well as supporting in the development of the future generations.

Key factors that contribute to the Bank's distinct market differentiation include:

  • Supported by experienced and well established shareholders
  • State-of-the-art IT infrastructure
  • Innovative, tailor made Shari’a compliant product solutions​
  • Universal business model covering deposits, financing and investment products and services

ASBS is adopting internationally recognized standards and best practices in areas such as corporate governance, compliance and risk management, operating with the highest levels of integrity, transparency and trust.

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